[DAILY DRABBLE] «Let me help you with that» – Dungeons & Dragons

PLOT: An Elf rogue scout remains for a while on a village, near Neverwinter, to be sure that the Aasimar cleric attacked by a group of brigands, and who had helped her before, heals properly.
The Elf scout stopped at the entrance of the room in which the Aasimar cleric was hospitalized after what had happened a few days earlier, near the forest that bordered one side of the village in which they were regrouping with the Elf group of adventurers.
«What are you doing, exactly?»
The other woman stopped herself in mid-movement, looking up towards the entrance, where the Elf’s slender form was silhouetted like a shadow against the setting sun. She mumbled something about wanting to drink and how she was perfectly capable of doing it herself, but it was clear she was panting from the pain caused by her wounds that had not yet fully healed.
«Why don’t you let me help you with that?» asked the Elf, finally entering into the room and leaving her longbow and quiver near the small bedside table close to the Aasimar bed; two daggers were hidden in her boots, while a short-sword was sheathed at her left side.
«You worry too much,» snorted the Aasimar, but she let the other woman help her rearrange herself on the bed. Her face relaxed immediately, a clear indication of how, despite her bluster, she was still in pain.
«I surely do,» grinned the scout, taking the now empty pitcher from the bedside table and walking out of the room, into the small but comfortable living room, to refill it of fresh and crystal water from one of the buckets recently topped up.
«Thanks,» acknowledged the cleric, when the scout offered her a glass of water and put the pitcher on the bedside table. With a shrug, the Elf sat down on the available stool next to the bed, to which she leaned with one arm; after finishing drinking, the Aasimar left the glass on the bedside table and squeezed the Elf’s fingers with a grateful smile, without letting go. They stood like this for a while, enjoying each other’s presence.
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