[DAILY DRABBLE] «You make it look easy» - Dungeons & Dragons

Drabble written using the prompt offered by FanFiction Library on Discord on date Aug. 27th 2023: «You make it look easy»
«You make it look easy,» the Elf gritted her teeth in pain, while the Aasimar priest at her left finished bandanging her bloody side. She had been deeply wounded during a Goblin raid to their camp, while trying to fight back their unexpected assault.
«Well, it looks like pretty easy to me,» observed wryly the other woman, as she finished very carefully what she was doing. She had tried to use her healing spells, but she was quite exhausted from the fighting and even the healing potions had not been enough to put on her feet the Elf rogue. So she had found herself using other means of healing, albeit significantly less rapid and immediate, as well as more painful.
«If you say so,» muttered the Elf, trying to move to escape the pain that was drilling into her side. The Aasimar put a hand on her shoulder, de facto pinning her down on her bedding. Then ordered: «Don’t move. You need to heal. And to heal, you need not to move.»
After a moment, the Elf gave up.
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