[DAILY DRABBLE] «You were telling the truth?» – D&D

PLOT: After a fight against a Dragon, a group of adventurers is cured by an Aasimar cleric, old acquaintance of the Elf rogue scout of the team.
«So… you were telling the truth?»
«Who do you think I am, Aasimar? A liar, perhaps?» The Elf, a rogue scout of noble blood, shook her head, exasperated. As always, the fact that she had chosen a profession as frowned upon as that of thief automatically made her a being to be distrusted without second guessing. Even between her comrades, with whom she had fought against a young dragon, winning after a fierce battle.
If not for the Aasimar cleric, who had happened to be around by the time the Elf and her adventurers’ group had slaughtered the Dragon, part of the group would’ve been dead. Elf herself included. But, let’s say that her recovery hadn’t been one of the simplest. The two of them had known each others for years, but hadn’t seen much lately, for many reasons. And the Elf wasn’t particularly keen to expose herself in any ways in front of others, mainly due to her past with her family.
«I didn’t intend to…» the Aasimar tried to intervene, but was abruptly interrupted by the Elf: «… offend? Well, you just did.» Taking her longbow, quiver and long knife that were her weaponry, she left the cleric behind her, muttering something about going against another Dragon.
But the Aasimar would take it no more and grabbed the Elf by an arm, forcing the scout to stop in her tracks and turn towards her. From behind a tent, well away from the fire but not very far from them, the huge Winter Wolf who never left the Elf’s side turned to look at them with interest.
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